Wednesday 29 April 2009

Rippely Ripples

After my last post I managed a few more rows of my gorgeous ripple cushion and then decided to call it a night. I tidied up a bit and then went to pop Hamish out for his evening constitutional before bed. I had to laugh when I saw this and couldn't resist a photo. He obviously adores the cushion as much as I do and was reluctant to let me have it back. Initially, he tried to pretend that he was asleep in an effort to keep it for himself.

Then when he realised that I wasn't having any of it, he reluctantly opened his eyes and gave me the look, as if to say, what ripple cushion? where?...I have no idea what you are talking about!!! Bless him.
So here it is in it's glory...........another drum roll please!

Of course the next dilemma is how to back it and make it into a scrummy cushion. I am torn between the woolly felted jumper thingy or a piece of recently purchased CK fabric! Bearing in mind I love the idea of said felted jumper thingy, but have never felted before and also do not have a suitable jumper in the right colour. I do however have some fabric as mentioned and it would be a lovely contrast, but the felted thingy would be pretty too...Ohhh decisions, decisions. What do you ladies think ?

Do you want another look at it, close up this time, go on, resistance is futile I can assure you.

The littlest fairy has now staked her claim to it, she has just the right spot on her bed for it she tells me. Apparently, a small fairy can never have too many cushions, bet you didn't know that, did you?

Meanwhile, I have made another dishcloth. Apparently grown up fairies can never have too many of them either!! Cheeky madam.

Dev X

Sunday 26 April 2009

Halleluia, Halleluia!!!

Hello everyone and first let me me thank all the lovely ladies out there in blogland who sent in their comments and advice on my ripple problem. In particular I would like to thank this lady who advised me to use a larger size hook for the foundation chain and then the next size down for the rest, fantastic!!! Check out the ripple action on her blog, it's amazing and inspiring and colouful and gorgeous.

So here for your delectation...drum roll please!

Isn't it wonderful, I have to keep getting it out of my new bag to have a look and a hold and a sigh at the magnificence of it!

Here's a close up..............

Peace reigns once more in the Fairyglade, meals are prepared with a smile, chores are done with a smile, in fact I have been wandering around the house all weekend with a silly grin on my face which is, according to man person, getting a tad tedious now. Yes he loves the ripple, yes the colours are beautiful, yes it's the best thing since sliced bread and...can we now change the subject please he says through gritted teeth. Men!!! what are they like eh?

Check out my new crochet bag from the lovely Kim at Brigantia designs. Just perfect for all hooky goodies. would you like to see another picture of the ripple...go on, you know you want to.....

Well I can't spend a moment longer on line because I have another row of ripple calling me before I go to bed. Sweet dreams everyone. Dev X

Saturday 18 April 2009

I am cursed

What is it with me and crochet, however hard I try, I just don't get it! I was so looking forward to hooky goodness during my Easter hols... That was obviously my mistake..the more I want something, the more it evades me. The Ripple is a case in point. Hook at the ready and Lucy's chart downloaded and enlarged because of my awful eyesight, I made my foundation chain accordingly, multiples of 14 plus 3 for turning, so far so good. Valleys and mountains appearing slowly but surely, excitement rising.......... Practice piece completed....yipppeee!

I then measured my cushion pad and off I went, chain 84 plus 3 for turning. All seemed well until I changed the wool for row 3. I noticed that it looked a bit puffy and that it wasn't appearing to lie flat. Undeterred, I carried on telling myself that I was being silly and that I must have been imagining it. Row 4 completed and this is the result. It is ripply not only in design but also in appearance.

I unpicked it and re-read the instructions..then off I went again, chain of 84 and 3 for turning. Well this went on and on and on. Then I thought, I know I will email Lucy the photos and ask her what I am doing wrong, if anything. Maybe it is supposed to look like this in the beginning and then it will even out as it gets longer. Then I remembered that she is on holiday..feel my heart sink, unpick it yet again. Go to various blogs, click on ripply photos, enlarge and blow up said pictures. Scrutinise with fine tooth comb, no one elses appear to bulge like mine. Seriously depressed now.. close to loosing the will to live........aaarrrrgghhhhh!!!! What is it with me and crochet...I swear that I am cursed.

I am wondering if I am doing something fundemental wrong on the second row. Am I putting the hook where I should. By that I mean, I am inserting the hook underneath the top 2 stitches of the chain, as opposed to going between the stitches like you do when making a granny square.

Is this correct, the instructions say it is so, but am I doing what it says? So what am I doing wrong, am I doing anything wrong? Will it even out as it gets longer? Will I ever cook my husband a decent meal ever again...please come back soon Lucy or is there any one else out there who can help me.??!

In the meantime I have made some pretty flannels.

P.S.... If Mrs Thrifty is reading this post, I would love to join your members only blog. Dev X

Monday 6 April 2009

Signs of Spring

The Signs of Spring

Daffodils dancing in the sun

Washing billowing on the line

Mist, ephemeral rising from the fields

Green blush of new crops

Dawn chorus at 5 am

Heady scent of hyacinths

Yellow buds of forsythia
Sunlight revealing cobwebs on ceilings

Easter eggs and flower posies

New life, lambs gambolling

Gnats dancing in the sunlight
Birds squabbling over the best twigs

Open windows letting in the smell of cut grass

Willow catkins


A sense of purpose


Easter is fast approaching the Fairyglade and twigs have been gathered, rabbits and chicks dusted off, delicate glass baubles unwrapped and yummy Easter eggs hidden away from view to avoid having to buy them all over again. How many eggs have you had to replace so far? Go on be honest....
I am almost as fond of my Easter decorations as I am of my Christmas ones, and slowly I have added to the collection. A chance visit to a charity shop last week resulted in these sweet.

And what is that peeping through from behind I hear you ask? Yes it is a CK mug. Now you might think that this is nothing to get excited about, but, for me, finding CK anywhere in my area is as exciting as it gets! This was purchased in Waitrose of all places, why did no one tell me!!! They have the strawberry version and the blue and the red dotty versions too.

What do you think of the above pictures, I think they are great fun. Check out this site and see what you can create. The black and white drawings are particularly good.
Dev X