Saturday, 31 August 2013

I have been away for eons and eons.  Am surprised that I haven't been deleted from everyones favourites.  Hopefully I am making a slow comeback. 

We recently retunrd from a holiday in Malta...what can I say about is beautiful and so worth a visit if you can stand the high temperatures.  Between 36 and 40 degrees most days that we were there.  Stayed in Melliha which is on the north side of the island.  I will let the photos do the talking for me..........

Dev x


Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Devina,

What gorgeous photos! That blue is so intense! I'm glad that you came back safely, and I hope the parcel I sent you gets there soon, if it hasn't arrived already.

Many blessings,


Alhana said...

Welcome back! Yes, you're still in our favourites. :-)
That was a nice trip indeed. I have never been to Malta but I'm glad you had such a great time there.

Jennifer alex said...

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