Tuesday, 22 March 2011


This is a blog shout for thriftymissus who entered and won my giveaway on 13th March. I have been unable to contact her and she hasn't checked back with me to see the results. Therefore, I am going to give her until this Sunday coming (27th) to claim the Larkrise DVD's. If I have still heard nothing, then I will draw another winner. If anyone else can help me track her down then I would be really grateful. I did wonder if she is an invited reader only blog and that's why there are no links back to her?

I hope this is acceptable to everyone involved and I am unaware of any blogging protocol to be followed in such cases. Again, if anyone knows different, I would appreciate the advice.

If Thriftymissus reads this at some later date, I don't want her to be offended, so really, really hope that she gets in touch.

Dev x


Tinyholder said...

I've tweeted this for you.

Josie Crafter said...

Hello Dev
So pleased to hear from you over at my place :-) I hope that Thrifty Mrs finds her way back to you very soon. Is it this blog:
May be worth trying if you've not already been there!
Enjoy your evenings of birdsong - sounds perfect!
D x

thriftymissustalesfromtoadstoolhouse. said...

Dev, I think it was me!! you were lokking for! don t worry....I m new to blogging and have to brush up on my skills,a lot to learn,love juliexxxx